Files and Folders Password Protection

GiliSoft File Lock is an innovative software application which enables you to password protect all the private information on your hard drive. You can make your files and folders inaccessible, invisible or protect them from modification. The protected folders or files are not accessible by any users – no matter how they are trying to get in – locally or from the net. Effective protection mechanism, intuitive user interface, and set of fine-tuning options will suit the needs of everyone from novice Windows users to computer experts. Since 2001, our Hide Folders software products help our users to hide private files and folders from prying eyes. No better way to protect a folder or a file as easy as GiliSoft File Lock does!
USB Port Lock With Password
With GiliSoft File Lock you can easily protect any number of folders and files on your computer. You can select any file or folder to protect from the program, or protect the file or folder using Windows Explorer context menu. Features and benefits
  • Effective protection methods allow you to hide folders out from users and applications in Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.
  • Nobody but you will access your hidden folders.
  • 3 protection methods available: Hide, Lock,  Read Only
  • NTFS, FAT32 and FAT volumes are supported.
  • Unlimited number of folders can be protected at the same time.
  • No file system structure modifications will occur.
  • Effective password protection when running program.
  • Effective password protection when uninstalling program.
  • True stealth mode – you cannot detect the program with Windows Task Manager.
  • Safe mode support – The folders can be hidden even if your computer is running in safe mode.
Difference from internal Windows data protection features A lot of advanced users believe that GiliSoft File Lock (as well as any other third party folder protection software) is useless because Windows has integrated file and folder lock features. Well, indeed, you can lock folders with Windows XP/Vista/Seven and this folder will be inaccessible by the other (unauthorized) users. But there are some annoying limitations that you should be aware of:
  1. Windows allows you to lock files and folders on NTFS volumes only. FAT and FAT32 are not supported.
  2. It is impossible to hide folder or file with standard Windows facilities. Only file and folder lock is possible.
  3. There is no way to make folder invisible but accessible which is helpful for different security tasks like logging, private data recording, backing up etc.
  4. A system administrator can easily get access to the locked folders and files.
  5. Windows XP home edition doesn’t have a user interface to protect files and folders.
  6. There is no files and folders password protection in Windows (except the password you provide during Windows logon) – as soon as an authorized user authenticate himself by logging on, s/he get access to the protected files and folders. If you share your account with the another users then you can’t exploit Windows folder protection features.
Protection modes: Hide folder, Lock folder,  Read Only Hide – When you enable protection, the protected file or folder will not be visible to a user.The protected file or folder will not be visible to a user and it will not be possible to access them. You can not use this protection method for Windows, System32 and GiliSoft File Lock application folders. Lock – the protected file or folder will be visible but not accessible. It is similar to built-in protection of Windows NT-based operating systems on NTFS volumes. You can not use this protection method for Windows, System and GiliSoft File Lock application folders. Read only – You can access the protected files and folders, but you cannot modify them. If you protect folder contents (using asterisk wildcard), you cannot copy files into the folder.

“RAMDisk” for Windows 2000 / XP / Server 2003 / Vista / Server 2008 / Windows 7

A RAMDisk acts as a virtual drive on your system. It allows you to create directories, copy files to and from it, etc…. However , the data is not written onto a hard disk, but remains purely stored into a particular part of the physical RAM memory. Hard disks have mechanical parts that are needed to seek to a particular position on the magnetic storage media and to read/write data. This makes them relative lazy. A RAMDisk does not need to seek , and by this , it can read and write the same data to upon 30-60 times faster than a hard disk ! However, the data stored in RAM is “volatile” : it disappears when you cut off the power to the RAM memory, in other words, if you turn off your system. This applies to the content of the RAMDisk too !

A ramdisk can perfectly be used to store :

– web content of web servers.
– temporary index files and tables of database servers ( MS-SQL-Server , MySQL , …).
– temporary files ( TEMP and TMP environment variable ) and “Temporary Internet Files”.
– the scratch disk for Adobe (R) Photoshop (R).
– games and installed programs (1). The startup times of programs may decrease drastically !
– audio and video capture / editing.
– creation and playback of slide shows.
– the printer spool folder.
– data that has to be written to CD , to prevent underrun during the burn process.
– as storage of the “ReadyBoost” cache on Vista.
– all kinds of data that may be lost ( or MUST be lost for security reasons ) at shutdown.

(1) The software may be installed directly to the ramdisk , or an existing installation may be remapped using a “junction” ( with means of , for example , linkd.exe ) to a copy on the ramdisk. In both cases , the content of the ramdisk must reload automatically at boot time from an image file , or by means of a backup program.

These are only a few examples. There will certainly be many more tasks for which a ramdisk can be used, depending on people’s “inventivity” .

The “GiliSoft RAMDisk” is conceived to support a RAMDisk size of maximally 64 GB. The maximum obtainable RAMDisk size depends on the available physical amount of RAM that the OS allows to allocate within its own addressable RAM space (*). This RAMDisk has the capability to automatically reload an image file at boot time ( and before other services / programs are started ) and to save the ramdisk content at shutdown and/or at regular intervals. Home users, small and large business users, may experience this RAMDisk as a state-of-the-art solution. Be aware that  the GiliSoft RAMDisk can install and run on both 64-bit and 32-bit version of the OS.

(*) The 32 bit versions of XP , Vista and Windows 7 do not allow the RAMDisk to allocate memory above a particular 3.x GB boundery. A RAMDisk should not use this so called “unmanaged memory” for reasons that are described ( copy and paste links ) here and here .

Details :

For more details about the ramdisk , to download and purchase , go : GiliSoft RAMDisk  Version (32 and 64)

Four Ways to Protect Your Confidential Information From Identity Theft and Corporate Espionage

In tһіѕ day and age, wіtһ identity theft аחԁ corporate spying running rampant, уου саח′t bе tοο careful аbουt protecting tһе sensitive information tһаt еνеrу business deals wіtһ οח a daily basis. It іѕ wise tο protect yourself. It іѕ now tһе law tһаt еνеrу business mυѕt properly ԁеѕtrοу аחу potentially sensitive information аbουt іtѕ clients, employees, οr customers before discarding іt. Jυѕt аѕ tһеrе аrе many ways іח wһісһ уου store, handle аחԁ protect confidential information, tһеrе аrе аƖѕο many ways tο safely ԁеѕtrοу tһаt information wһеח tһе time comes tο ԁο ѕο.

Lock It Up: Tһеrе іѕ חο telling wһеrе аחԁ wһеח уουr sensitive information wіƖƖ bе compromised. Yου mау, іח fact, bе giving prying eyes аח opportunity еνеrу time уου step away frοm уουr desk fοr a few minutes. Thus, іt іѕ highly recommended tһаt уου find secure, physical protection fοr such things аѕ confidential documents, CDs, floppy discs, zip drives аחԁ tapes, password cheat sheets, аחԁ file cabinet keys. Fοr portable computers wһісһ contain sensitive info, уου ѕһουƖԁ рυrсһаѕе аחԁ υѕе laptop locks. Another necessity іѕ tο mаkе sure tһаt уου keep аƖƖ office doors аחԁ filing cabinets locked wһеח tһеу аrе חοt іח υѕе, аחԁ аt tһе еחԁ οf each day.
Shred It: Obviously tһе mοѕt secure οf аƖƖ tһе solutions, tһе best way tο eliminate unnecessary risk іѕ tο shred daily, οח site, аחԁ bу hand, аחу items tһаt уου חο longer need, tһаt mіɡһt bе ԁаחɡеrουѕ οr compromising іח tһе wrοחɡ hands. AƖѕο уου ѕһουƖԁ mаkе sure tһаt уου сƖеаח tһе areas around аƖƖ printers аחԁ fax machines аt tһе еחԁ οf еνеrу day (οr even еνеrу few hours) аחԁ shred аחу confidential info tһаt mау һаνе bееח left behind bу careless employees οr co-workers. Bесаυѕе οf tһе added security, having уουr οwח οח site shredders іѕ much preferable tο giving уουr sensitive documents over tο a shredding service.
Password Protect It: One easy аחԁ wise thing tο ԁο іѕ tο set up уουr computer tο implement a password protected screen saver аftеr fifteen minutes οr less οf non υѕе. AƖѕο, іt ѕһουƖԁ ɡο without saying tһаt уου ѕһουƖԁ never share уουr passwords wіtһ anyone, οr even store tһеm anywhere οח tһе computer. If уου саח′t avoid tһаt, disguise tһеm іח a file tһаt doesn’t υѕе tһе word “passwords” іח tһе file οr file name.
CƖеаח It: Aѕ іח tһаt laptop tһаt уου аrе passing οח tο a חеw employee, selling, οr even throwing away. Before doing аחу οf tһе above, mаkе sure tһаt уου һаνе properly wiped аחԁ reclaimed аƖƖ οf уουr information. If уου аrе throwing a computer away, take pains tο securely ԁеѕtrοу іt, аחԁ іtѕ hard disk οr flash drive. Remember tһаt simply deleting files mау חοt bе sufficient. If уου really want tο wipe уουr hard drive уου wіƖƖ need tο υѕе a special utility tο overwrite tһе sectors οח tһе hard drive ѕο tһаt tһе data саח bе undeleted.

Of course, tһеѕе security measure need tο bе adopted company-wide tο bе effective. It mіɡһt bе a ɡοοԁ іԁеа tο һаνе a meeting wіtһ аƖƖ οf уουr employees іח wһісһ уου ɡο over tһеѕе basic security measures. Later, уου сουƖԁ even conduct аח audit ѕο уου саח ensure tһаt уουr office іѕ аѕ secure аѕ іѕ possible.

If уου аrе looking fοr a ɡοοԁ quality solution fοr уουr office, уου mіɡһt want tο check out

Features and Benefits of GiliSoft Privacy Protector:
Hide Data :
It can hide your private files folders and drives, to make them completely invisible to users and programs even under Windows Safe Mode.

Lock Data :
The locked datas are protected from accessing, nobody can open, read, modify, move, delete, copy, rename the protected data without password.Even shutting down your computer suddenly at the time of exploring in a password protected folder, the folder is still be password protected for the next reboot.Files and sub-folders in a locked folder are also protected.

Private Disk :
Private Disk for Document,Picture,Music,Video,Game.

Safe Delete :
It allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns.No one can recover deleted data from your disk if you secure delete it.

History Clean :
Erase Internet Explorer Cache Files
Erase Internet Explorer Browser History
Erase Internet Explorer Cookies
Erase Internet Explorer Address Bar History
Erase Internet Explorer Index.dat Files
Erase Internet Explorer AutoComplete Memory
Erase Windows Recent Documents History
Erase Windows Start Menu Run/Find History
Erase Windows Recycle Bin
Erase Windows Temporary Files Directory
Erase Windows MediaPlayer Recent File List
File Shredder – Secure delete files & folders
Cleaning Free Disk Space – FAT/FAT32/NTFS

Password Protection:
This is a password protected software,there’s no other way to run or uninstall it if you have not the password.

Ease of Use:
A very easy to use program with user-friendly interface.
Integration with Windows Shell .
File System Compatible

Hardware Compatible
Fully support Intel® Pentium D Dual-Core Processor and AMD Athlon™ 64X2 Dual-CoreProcessor;
System Requirements

System Compatible
Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (32&64)

Five Ways to Lock Or Hide A Folder, A File Or A Drive On The Computer.

These days, hiding or locking a folder or file is probably something you will need if you use a computer that others use too.

Let me introduce the 5 Ways to Lock Or Hide A Folder, A File Or A Drive On The Computer.

Method 1 (the easy one)

1. Click “Start”, “Run,” and then type cmd. When the command prompt opens type “CD C:\Test” (replace “Test” with the name of the folder you want to hide.)

2. Now type “attrib file +s +h” and replace “file” with the name of the actual file name you would like to hide.

3. Now, go back to C:\Test and look for your file or folder, it’s not there! You cannot find it through simply browsing around, through the command prompt, or even if you click “Show Hidden Files and Folders”.

4. To find the folder and it’s contents again simply go back to the command prompt, type “CD C:\Test” (of course, again replacing “Test” with the name of the folder,) and then type “attrib filename -s -h”. You should now be able to find your file again!

Method 2 (this is where it starts to get slightly more difficult)

This method, unlike the previous one, hides an entire drive instead of individual files or folders:

(Before you ever use the registry I HIGHLY RECOMMEND backing up your registry with a tool similar to Registry Tool or CCleaner. You may as well use a manual method similar to this.)

1. Go to “Start,” “Run,” and type regedit.

2. When the registry editor loads, navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\

3. Right click on “Explorer” and select “New” and “DWORD Value.”

4. Name the value NoDrives and select “Decimal” as the base.

5. In the value type the number that corresponds with the drive below:

(E.g. If you would like to hide drive E, type 16. You may also hide multiple drives by adding the two numbers. E.g. If you would like to hide drives E and G, 16+64=80.)

6. Now, after you restart your computer, you should not be able to see the drive.

Method 3

1. Create a folder in a drive for easy access, e.g. C:. (Name it something related to the Control Panel, e.g. Users.)

2. Create a new file in Notepad and copy and paste the following into it:

ren Users Users.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}

3. Replace “Users” with the name of the folder you created and save the file as loc.bat.

(You should now be able to see your folder and the loc.bat file, with the loc.bat in the same directory as the folder Not in it.)

4. Now, right-click and create another text file. Copy and Paste the following into it:

ren Users.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} Users
(Make sure to replace the word “Users” with the name of your folder.)

5. Save it as key.bat.

6. Now you should see the loc.bat and the key.bat files in the same directory as the folder you created.

7. Now, all you need to do is double-click on the loc.bat file and the folder should have an icon that looks like the control panel. If you click on the folder it should redirect you to the Control Panel and thus you have locked the folder.

8. Of course, to unlock it, simply double-click on the key.bat file and the folder should turn back into the folder you first created.

Method 4

Use GiliSoft File Lock Pro or GiliSoft File Lock to hide or lock any your files ,folders,drives on your computer.

Method 5

Use GiliSoft Private Disk to create a virtual encryption disk to save your important files.

How to Password Protect an External Hard Drive

With the rise in popularity of external hard drives comes the question of their security. A user will need some type of protection to use these external hard drives with any sensitive files. That is why a person needs to password protect any external hard drive she uses.

Step 1

Decide if you want to pay for a software package to provide this security on the external hard drive. There are free software downloads and pay downloads. The pay versions (GiliSoft USB Stick Encryption)may offer more security but if money is tight, you may want to choose the free version.
Step 2

Connect the external hard drive to your computer.
Step 3

Download the password protection software to the external hard drive. Follow the onscreen instructions to install the software. See the resources section for more information.
Step 4

Choose a password to protect the external hard drive. You want to choose a password that is easy to remember but not so common that others will guess the password and gain access to the external hard drive.
Step 5

Follow the user instructions of the downloaded software to password protect the external hard drive.
Step 6

Test the external hard drive security by connecting the drive to another computer and try to access the drive. If successful, it will ask you for the password established in Step 4.

GiliSoft RamDisk – simple, straightforward and effective.

GiliSoft RamDisk – simple, straightforward and effective.(by Elena Santos)

GiliSoft RamDisk is a simple, straightforward partition creation utility from Gilisoft, a software developer that seems to be determined to bring the world handy, low-key tools to maximize PC power.

GiliSoft RamDisk allows you create another drive on your computer, using your system’s RAM memory. You can use this drive exactly as you would a normal one, saving to it, browsing and network sharing as normal. One of the drive’s advantages, however, is that as it is not based on the system hard drive, it is faster and more versatile. If the thought of drives and partitioning scares you, however, don’t let it. The GiliSoft RamDisk process is as easy as pie, and although the instructions are only available online, they are fairly complete.

GiliSoft RamDisk allows you to perform two Basic functions – creating a RAM disc and mounting image files. Both processes are fast and simple, while the program’s configuration options will allow you to auto-save and back-up to prevent any data loss. When you create a RAM disc, GiliSoft RamDisk will ask you to choose a file system (NTFS, FAT16 or FAT32), drive letter and size. The size available will depend on your computer’s RAM, so more powerful systems will be at a distinct advantage.

If you are looking for ways to make your computer more versatile, you could do much worse than GiliSoft RamDisk. The program’s website has a list of all the applications you might want to use such a drive for, and it’s so easy to use it is within everyone’s reach. The only negative is that for those unfamiliar with file systems, a little extra research might be in order, as the differences are not explained in the program.

Why we need a Exteranl Hard Disk?

A hard drive is a computer component that holds data. Every computer needs at least one hard drive to store its operating system, programs and user information. This drive is usually internal, however, as computer systems have evolved and different needs, threats, and circumstances have arisen, the additional external hard drive has become extremely popular.

Internet access regularly exposes computers to potential security threats like Trojan horses, viruses and spyware. It has become increasingly difficult to guard against these threats, even when employing firewalls and antivirus programs. Aside from online threats, multiple family members often use the same system, putting sensitive documents at higher risk of inadvertent corruption or loss. Additionally, the space required for multimedia storage has soared with MP3s, streaming video, DVD burning, and photo files taking up large amounts of space on the hard drive. All of these unrelated concerns can be addressed with one simple answer: an external hard drive.

An external hard drive sits outside the main computer tower in its own enclosure. The enclosure is slightly larger than the hard drive itself, and sometimes contains a cooling fan. This portable encasement allows the user to store information on a hard drive that is not inside the computer, but rests on a tabletop or surface nearby the computer. The external hard drive is connected to the computer via a high-speed interface cable. The interface cable allows the external hard drive to communicate with the computer so that data may be passed back and forth. The most common types of interfaces are USB and Firewire.

A portable or external hard drive is quite a useful piece of equipment. It allows the user to back up or store important information separate from the main internal hard drive, which could become compromised by online or offline activities. Sensitive documents, large music files, DVD images, movies, disk images, and even a backup of the contents of your main internal hard drive, can all be kept securely and safely on an external hard drive. When you are online, you can even leave the external drive turned off.

Another advantage of an external hard drive is that it is portable and operates on a plug-and-play basis. Any computer with USB or Firewire capability will recognize the external hard drive as a storage device, and assign it a letter to designate it. The drive can then be accessed like a normal internal hard drive. It’s a snap to transfer huge files back and forth from work to home, to a friend’s house, or between your desktop and laptop. Just plug in the interface cable to quickly reconstruct a working environment, making your favorite programs virtually portable.

If you have multiple family members using your computer system, consider an external hard drive to keep financial information and other sensitive documents secure. When you are ready to use the computer, you can plug in the external drive and have all your data and programs available. When finished, simply unplug the drive and take it with you to lock in a drawer or other secure location.

There are inexhaustible reasons to use an external hard drive. You can even buy several hard drives and swap them in and out of the same enclosure, using one for multimedia storage, one for imaging, one for backup, one for work, and so on.

To encrypt your external hard disk,please use GiliSoft USB Stick Encryption.

What is the best data encryption algorithm

Data Encryption is a term used in cryptography to define the process of transforming your data or information into an unreadable format by using a special algorithm known as Cipher that makes your information inaccessible to anyone who does not know your correct password or key. This process of transforming information into unreadable format by using a series of well-defined steps that can be followed as a procedure will result in encrypted information or encrypted files which in cryptography called as Cipher text.

In cryptography, the term encryption is also being implicitly used to refer the process of decryption i.e., the process of decoding data that has been encrypted into a secret format. Decryption requires a password or a secret key.

In the early 1970’s, the encryption algorithm were symmetric which means the key used to encrypt files and folders was the same as the key used to decrypt your information. In 1977, two American mathematicians W. Diffie and M. E. Hellman introduced the asymmetric algorithm that requires two keys which are mathematically related but cannot be deduced from one another. One key is used to encrypt data and the other key is used for decrypting the encrypted data or information.

The benefit of using this asymmetric algorithm in data encryption process is that compromising one of the keys is not enough to break the cipher and thus fewer unique keys must be generated. This is the reason why many data encryption software are using asymmetric algorithm to encrypt and decrypt your data.

There are many types of data encryption algorithm but not all are reliable. Initially 64-bit encryption was used that was proved wrong when 128-bit encryption was introduced. Advanced Encryption Algorithm (AES) is the new standard used by many data encryption software worldwide and is consider as the most secure and reliable algorithm. AES allows maximum of 256-bits.

Encryption algorithm is considered to be practically secure and reliable technique to protect your data. Although there are theoretical attacks and some theoretical weaknesses in the cipher, but they are unfeasible to mount in practice.

In the recent years with the advancement of technology, old ciphers have also been replaced by the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Furthermore, Data Encryption Standard (DES) has also been backed away as a standard by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (National Bureau of Standards).

In cryptography, there are some cases where a key is required to be developed specifically for the use of some special persons, while on the other hand some encryption protocols are standardized so that people can easily communicate with each other without requiring any special key.

The requirement of a personalized or special key makes cracking a bit harder as it would not be a standardized key. The use of such types of personal keys were once thought to be the only way to encrypt data, but with the introduction of shared key encryption people are now allowed to exchange information about a key across an open network without disclosing the contents of the key itself.

In conclusion, data encryption is now considered as the best approach to protect your confidential information because it transform information into an unreadable format that cannot be read without knowing the special key or a password.

How to make a Secure Disc.

I’m wanting to make a few Disc’s that are password protected,I tried to do this using Nero 9 reloaded but that was the stupidest thing ever,after the disc was burnt with Nero 9 I get a box asking for the password and does work if the password is entered but here’s the really dumb part if you put the disc in again and close the box that’s for your password find your DVD Drive just right click and choose open and you can see everything and drag the files to your desktop,now if you double click the DVD Drive it will take you to a webpage and say’s you need Nero Secure disc viewer and incd what good is it though if all you have to do is find the DVD Drive and just right click on open to over ride this plus to use this you need to have Nero on the PC you are going to use this disc on.Can anyone tell me if there is a way to make a secure disc using Windows 7 and that can not be so easily fooled also I would like these disc’s to work without the need of any special software to be needed on the PC these disc’s are going to be used for.

GiliSoft Secure Disc Creator enables you to burn password protected and encrypted CD/DVD discs. You can have a public area and a secure area on each disk, allowing you to have protected and unprotected files on the same disc. The files that are added to the secure area will be compiled into a standalone executable that can only be executed with the correct password. If the correct password is entered, the protected files will be unlocked and mounted to a temporary drive from where you can view or copy them. The protected discs can be used on any XP/Vista/7 computer, there is not need to install the Secure Disc Creator software.

Safely “lock” your important applications.

FamousWhy Editor:
There are multiple ways to protect your files, folders and drives. You can lock them down, hide, encrypt or protect them using a password. However, files, folders and drives are not the only important things to protect. You also have executables (.exe files). Usually, each executable represents a software or a game.

There are some applications that contain personal and sensitive information, a tax calculator and planer software for example. It is important to keep these personal files safe as well. In order to do that, you need to use another type of software. One great example is GiliSoft Exe Lock.

GiliSoft Exe Lock is a powerful .exe files locker. It is easy to use by everyone and no special technical knowledge is required. GiliSoft Exe Lock comes with a professional and user friendly interface, with plenty of features and powerful tools. Let’s talk a bit about some of the most important ones:

– Supports locking for 32 or 64 bits applications- Basically GiliSoft Exe Lock supports any executable program from your computer
– Support command line arguments- You can run GiliSoft Exe Lock with command line arguments to lock or unlock various applications
– Protected- GiliSoft Exe Lock is protected by a powerful password system. Also, you can add a password protection to those executables you want locked. Without the proper password, no one can delete or open your executables.
– GiliSoft Exe Lock supports every major windows platform: Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista and Windows 7 (32 and 64 bits).
– GiliSoft Exe Lock is easy to use by everyone; it comes with a user friendly and a professional looking interface.

These are just the most important features from GiliSoft Exe Lock. Overall, this software has a great and useful design. It can be used to safely “lock” your important applications.

Why is GiliSoft Exe Lock famous?

GiliSoft Exe Lock is famous because it is a powerful executable locker. Unlike a common encryption software that can lock files, folders and drives, GiliSoft Exe Lock can lock your .exe (executable) files. Like this, you can protect your sensitive and personal data from programs like tax calculators.