How do I hide my pictures and private images?

GiliSoft File Lock lets you hide pictures and password protects them from unauthorized access by your friends, co-workers, kids etc. You can hide pictures and images in any format like jpeg, bmp, gif, png or any other available format.

GiliSoft File Lock uses fast and instantaneous password locking protection to hide your files and guarantees 100% security, so that no one can view your hidden pictures even if he searches your computer for files in these formats or tries any sophisticated software to view these files.

Maintain your privacy with GiliSoft File Lock by hiding your private pictures. The program makes it impossible to access your hidden pictures and images without knowing the right password. All of your protected and locked files will be remain protected and hidden from prying eyes.

GiliSoft File Lock Pro does not only hide your private pictures, it also lets you encrypt and lock files and folders. This is not a normal Windows attribute setting that can easily be breached. It is a sophisticated level of Operating System protection which remains active even if you restart your computer or even when you have ‘Show hidden files’ selected and ‘Hide system protected files’ unchecked in the Windows Explorer’s Folder Options.

If you think the pictures in your hard drive can be examined by forensic departments, you can alternatively encrypt your images, photos and videos instead of just locking them. The program uses most trusted encryption algorithm i.e., 256 bit AES encryption. Since our file encryption software works very fast and requires only few seconds to encrypt files and folders, you have no future headaches.

Furthermore, if you activate Shredding Option, GiliSoft File Lock Pro will delete your original files securely after encrypting it so that they become unrecoverable. To shred it, Please select the file you want to shred > Right click  >  Shred and delete it

GiliSoft File Lock Pro is convenient and reliable locking and file encryption software that uses the most trusted encryption algorithm. You can chose either of the protection method to hide your personal and family photos, videos and other creative material.

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