File Encryption software- The difference between TrueCrypt and GiliSoft Private Disk

TrueCrypt is an open-source encryption software that enables you to create a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mount it as a virtual disk, that can be accessed via a drive letter. Any file that is stored on this virtual drive is automatically encrypted on-the-fly, and can only be accessed while the drive is mounted with the correct password or key. TrueCrypt supports a variety of encryption algorithms, including AES-256, Blowfish (448-bit key), CAST5, Serpent, Triple DES, and Twofish. Other features include support for FAT32 or NTFS formatting, hidden volumes, hotkeys for mounting/dismounting and more.

It is important that TrueCrypt is freeware.

GiliSoft Private Disk also enables you to create a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mount it as a virtual disk, that can be accessed via a drive letter. Any file that is stored on this virtual drive is automatically encrypted on-the-fly, and can only be accessed while the drive is mounted with the correct password.

GiliSoft Private Disk provides a more secure features that is it can hide the image file when you unmout the virtual disk. So nobody can delete or copy it from your hard disk.

GiliSoft Private Disk provides a more powerful function that is it can install the virtual disk onto USB device,and the operation is very easy for computer users.

DVD CSS Decryption

The CSS (Content Scrambling System) is the encryption method used in commercial DVD production to prevent DVD data from being copied.    The sole purpose of the CSS is to protect copyrights by preventing the pirating of DVDs.

The CSS decryption, called DeCSS (De-Content Scrambling System) is an algorithm that can be used to decrypt a commercially-produced DVD, allowing it to be unlocked then copied.   In January, 2000, the development of DeCSS was blamed on Jon Johansen, a fifteen year old boy from Norway. Charges against Jon Johansen were dismissed in January, 2003.

GiliSoft DVD Region CSS Decryption uses kernal driver to remove the copy protection of a DVD movie, allowing you backup the movie using most DVD backup tools. It can also remove the RPC region code, thereby making the movie region free and viewable on any DVD player and with any DVD player software.

GiliSoft DVD Region CSS Decryption also supports region-protected RPC2 DVD drives.

GiliSoft DVD Region CSS Decryption disables region checks for software DVD players like PowerDVD, WinDVD, ATI DVD Player, DirectDVD, NVDVD, CinePlayer, Windows Media Player, PCFriendly Player, InterActual Player and TheaterTek DVD.

GiliSoft DVD Region CSS Decryption enables DVD copy software like DVDFab, DVD X Copy families, InterVideo DVD Copy, CloneDVD, DVD2One, Pinnacle InstantCopy, DVD Shrink and Nero Recode, allowing you to copy CSS-encrypted DVDs directly from the drive.

A third-party report for GiliSoft RAMDisk

RAM Disk is a technology where you use your computer’s memory (or some people call it RAM) and make it into a virtual hard disk drive. People do that because the speed of RAM is so much faster for most kinds of storage and files on a RAM disk can be accessed much more quickly. Another factor is RAM are pretty affordable nowadays and most modern computers have at least 2 to 4GB of memory which we’ll never fully utilize. Ever get annoyed on how long it takes to run Adobe Photoshop? Even after using Firefox for a long time, you’ll notice that the best browser starts to crawl. Well if you install and load it in RAM Disk, I strongly believe that the time that takes to startup will definitely cut down by a lot. All you need to do is to install the software on the drive that is created with RAMDisk or if it is a database, set the program to load the database from the RAMDisk.

A third-party report for GiliSoft RAMDisk : 12 RAM Disk Software Benchmarked for Fastest Read and Write Speed

Thanks for Raymond’s great work.

A closer look at GiliSoft USB Stick Encryption 2.0

USB flash drives are the most popular way to move data from one PC to another. They are easy to use, convenient, affordable, but at the same time they pose a security risk and can be easily lost, stolen or misplaced.

GiliSoft USB Stick Encryption allows you to password protect USB drives, thumb drives, memory sticks, pen drives, jump drives and flash drives, so that the data contained in them doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.

The installation process is simple and fast, after which you are presented with this welcome screen:

usb stick encryption's screenshot

If you have one of the earlier mentioned drives already connected to your computer, click on the “Refresh” button and the software will find it. If not, connect it now, and it will be recognized automatically:


Use the slider in the bottom of the screen to set the size of the secure area – that can mean the entire disk, if you want it so. After you defined the size, click on the “Install” button. You will be asked to provide a username and password:


If the drive isn’t empty, you will be warned that this action deletes all its contents and advised to save it somewhere else if you don’t want to lose it.

After the deed is done, an “agent” application appears on your disk:


By clicking on it, you will access the secure area – after you’ve provided the right username and password, of course. (In the trial version, you will be able to access that particular secure area only 30 times).

The secure area gets a drive letter of it’s own. It looks and behaves like any other drive, and you can copy files inside it or delete them in the same way as you would in a regular drive.

You can browse or exit the secure area any time you want by clicking on the program’s tray icon and choosing the option:


If, by any chance, you have managed to delete the “agent” application by mistake, don’t worry. The software has the option of restoring it. Just connect the drive to the computer, access the software, and press the “Recover” button. After giving the right username and password, you have the application back on the drive and you can access the secure area again.

The other two options on the welcome screen let you change passwords and uninstall the software from the USB stick:


GiliSoft USB Stick Encryption is an effective tool that protects your data while you’re carrying it around. It’s extremely easy to use and takes very little of your time.

This article is from net-security

New Update! GiliSoft Exe Lock 2.0!

GiliSoft Exe Lock 2.0 is released on April 26, 2010.

New features:

Support command line arguments, You can run GiliSoft Exe Lock with command line arguments to lock or unlock any programs on your system.

For example:

If the password of GiliSoft Exe Lock is “mypass”,and the program you want to lock is “c:\test.exe”,and running “c:\test.exe” needs “-ab” parameters.

1.  How to lock the program with command line parameter?

“C:\Program Files\GiliSoft\Exe Lock\ExeLock.exe” /lock “c:\test.exe” /cmd “-ab” /pw “mypass”

2.  How to unlock the locked program with command line parameter?

“C:\Program Files\GiliSoft\Exe Lock\ExeLock.exe” /unLock “c:\test.exe” /pw “mypass”

3.  How to run the locked program with command line parameter?

“C:\Program Files\GiliSoft\Exe Lock\ExeLock.exe” /run “c:\test.exe” /cmd “-ab” /pw “mypass”

If the password of GiliSoft Exe Lock is “mypass”, and the program you want to lock is “c:\test.exe”,and running “c:\test.exe” does not need parameters.

1.  How to lock the program with command line parameter?

“C:\Program Files\GiliSoft\Exe Lock\ExeLock.exe” /lock “c:\test.exe” /pw “mypass”

2.  How to unlock the locked program with command line parameter?

“C:\Program Files\GiliSoft\Exe Lock\ExeLock.exe” /unLock “c:\test.exe” /pw “mypass”

3.  How to run the locked program with command line parameter?

“C:\Program Files\GiliSoft\Exe Lock\ExeLock.exe” /run “c:\test.exe” /pw “mypass”

More information:

Can GiliSoft Secure Disc Creator create protected VCD format that can play on general vcd or dvd player?


Can GiliSoft Secure Disc Creator create protected VCD format that can play on general VCD or DVD player?


GiliSoft Secure Disc Creator only supports data format disc. That is to say ,the disc created by it can not be VIDEO FORMAT and it can not help you to burn a password protected VIDEO CD or DVD VIDEO format disc.