After downloading, please run the setup file, set your password for the account of Gilisoft USB Lock.
Then follow the wizard to complete installation..
Note: Make sure to remember your password or keep it in a safe place and enter a valid email to find back password, because you can not run this program without it.
How to lock your USB ports in Windows?
1). How to prevent anyone from copying files to the USB drive?
2). How to prevent anyone from reading files on the USB drives ?
3). How to prevent anyone from reading files on SD/Card reader ?
4). How to prevent anyone from connecting to iPhone or Android phone ?
How to add one USB disk to the trusted device white-list?
To add your USB device to Trusted Devices White-list:
Select "USB &CD Lock" from "Control Center" panel.
Click on "Add" to add your USB disk to white-list.
How to lock DVD/CD device?
1. How to disable the burning function of my DVD burner?
To make your DVD burner read-only.
Select "USB &CD Lock" from "Control Center" panel.
Check "Disable Burning DVD/CD".
2. How to prevent anyone from reading files on the DVD/CD ?
To disable reading data from DVD Discs.
Select "USB &CD Lock" from "Control Center" panel.
Check "Disable Reading DVD/CD".
How to monitor USB Disks ?
To monitor what files or processes are accessed on the drive.
Select "USB Monitor" from "Control Center" panel.
Check "Monitor USB".
How to block accessing some websites?
1. How to block a website?
Select "Website Lock" from "Control Center" panel.
Click on the "Add" button to add the website you want to block.
2. Want to restrict changing IP address?
3. Want to disable network adapter?
How to retrieve my password of GiliSoft USB Lock?
If you forget your password, please click "Retrieve Password" to retrieve your password.
How to enable alarm notifications when someone want to hack it?
Select "Security" from "General" panel.
Check "Automatically send alarm notifications to e-mail".
How to block running some programs?
Select "Program Lock" from "Control Center" panel.
Click on the "Add" button to add the exe file you want to block.
In this window, you also can disable registry editor, task manger, remote diskop connection.
How to disable printers, moderm, com lpt, infrared, bluetooth, 1394 ports?
Select "Devices Lock" from "Control Center" panel.
Check "Disable Printer"or "Disable Moderm" or "Disable COM & LPT" or "Disable Infared" or "Disable Bluetooth" or "Disable 1394".
How to block accessing usb disk except encrypted usb disk using full disk encryption?
Data Leak Prevention Solution - Encrypt your USB disk, Disable others usb disk except your encrypted USB disk.
"One great tool that can be safely used on public computers to restrict the use of USB ports, and thanks to its password protection feature it always comes in handy to system administrators too"-
"The application supports USB removable disks exclusively, which means it has no result when used for USB peripherals, such as mouse devices, keyboards or webcams."-